
Friday 23 October 2015

How to Use Caffeine for Cellulite Reduction

Are you ready to say goodbye to cellulite? Caffeine is just what you need. Here’s how you can use caffeine for quick cellulite reduction.

Put on Caffeine Cream

Caffeine cream is a great cellulite remedy. When applied topically, caffeine will stimulate and firm up the skin, reduce fluid-build up, increase blood circulation, and promote tissue growth. You can massage this cream onto your skin daily. To quickly see results, you should combine daily use of caffeine cream with a healthy diet and a workout routine. When you mix these three things together, cellulite doesn’t stand a chance. 

Skip the Coffee

Caffeine cream is great for reducing cellulite, but highly caffeinated coffee can actually make your cellulite worse. Drinking coffee can cause your body to make too much of the stress hormone cortisol, which can lead to weight gain. Plus, because it is a diuretic, coffee can cause water retention and dehydration in the skin. Coffee can also slow down your blood circulation, stopping your skin from getting the oxygen it needs to stay healthy. Coffee can even cause your body to shed nutrients that are important for skin’s overall health, like B vitamins and calcium.

Instead of drinking coffee, try having green tea. Studies have shown that green tea can assist with weight loss, and it can speed up your metabolism. It also contains antioxidants that can prevent damage from free radicals. Green tea also helps breakdown fat build-up, and it can burn fat and prevent new fat from forming. This will all lead to less cellulite on your skin.

When you want to begin the process of reducing your cellulite, cut coffee out of your life and start using caffeine cream. Caffeine cream will get rid of your cellulite quickly, leaving you with beautiful-looking skin.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

What Causes Cellulite?

Even the healthiest bodies can be susceptible to cellulite.  This annoying skin condition is surprisingly not really caused by the skin itself.  The embarrassing bumps, dimples, crevices and lumps commonly seen with cellulite are a reflection of a problem beneath the skin surface.
What causes cellulite is at the layer beneath the skin, where fat and muscle work closely together.  Regardless of your body type or body fat percent, there is a layer that exists beneath the skin.  Occasionally, some portions of this fat layer will attach to the muscle layer.  When this occurs, skin is pulled and distorted to cause cellulite. 

How can Cellulite be Treated? 

There is no real cure for cellulite, but there are some ways to diminish the occurrence of cellulite and help to reduce existing cellulite.  The Pensida Anti-Cellulite formula is ideal for addressing what causes cellulite:
·         Stimulates circulation beneath skin layers – this helps to detach the fat from muscle, allowing the skin to recover to its normal state
·         Improves elasticity – at the skin layers, Pensida works to help skin that has been exposed to cellulite  to recover and look healthier
·         Smooths and softens – the skin surface is treated with special nourishing ingredients that help to       smooth and soften to reduce the appearance of cellulite
·        Hydrates and fortifies – the special nutrients blended into Pensida will help to rebuild tissue for skin while it helps to stimulate circulation
     ·      Safe and effective – after thorough trials, Pensida is clinically proven effective in diminishing the    appearance of cellulite, and is dermatologist tested to be safe for all types of skin 
The Pensida Solution 

Using Pensida daily will help to diminish the appearance of cellulite in your problem areas and will also help to reduce future occurrences of cellulite.  Eat a healthy diet and continue to exercise, but also treat your skin to the Pensida Anti-Cellulite solution so you can look your very best!

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Try Coffee Wrap for Wrap Up Cellulite

Caffeine is very helpful in reducing cellulite from your thighs, stomach and buttocks. A homemade coffee wrap is an easy and simple solution for it. Take some used coffee grounds, warm it and rub the coffee grounds on troubled areas. Use the saran wrap to hold the area, let it rest for 15 minutes, unwrap it and clean it off. 

Monday 17 November 2014

Five Ways to Diminish the Appearance of Cellulite

Looking for a way to diminish the appearance of cellulite? Here are five ways to get in shape without having to spend a lot of money or make too huge changes in lifestyle. It’s time to get you ready for the beach. It’s time to get rid of cellulite on the thighs, stomach, and buttocks. 

1. Do Yoga

Yoga is not only great for the body, but also for the mind. It helps people accept situations and rationalize their approach to life. It helps people overcome tough situations. Plus it’s an effective workout. A workout that eases out those fat cells once and for all. 

2. Eat Well, Often

Adding more Vitamins and vegetables to your diet will help boost metabolism which will lead to more fat-burning. It may be helpful to count calories and stick to something around 1500 a day for a few weeks as part of a cleanup. 
Anti Cellulite Cream

3. Use A Cellulite Cream

A Cellulite Cream with caffeine can help bust up the fat cells at the source. Caffeine is very powerful when applied topically. It disables the growth of fat cells and stops the production of new fat cells. 

4. At Home Coffee Wrap

It’s surprising what can be done with some used coffee grounds. First, warm up the grounds in the microwave to a temperature that is safe for the skin. Then apply a layer of grounds on the thighs, stomach, or buttocks. Wrap this with saran wrap and let it sit for 10 minutes before washing off the grounds. This will give the feel of smoother and softer skin. 

5. Try Some Sugar Scrubs

Women can use sugar or mineral scrubs to help work out the fat cells trapped underneath the skin. These scrubs should contain a lot of Vitamin E which will help the skin repair itself and get rid of the orange peel effect of cellulite. 

Wednesday 29 October 2014

No More Sleepless Nights over Cellulite

It’s time to figure out what to wear to the beach but for people battling cellulite, packing is a lot harder. Cellulite mainly occurs on the thighs, buttocks, and stomach. It leaves an orange peel or even cottage cheese appearance which many men and women feel is unsightly. To get rid of cellulite men and women have to work out, eat well, and have a few tricks up their sleeves such as caffeine. 

Working Out

Exercise is great for the body for so many reasons, but it also helps diminish the appearance of cellulite. Doing an exercise routine such as aerobics, cycling, running, yoga, or even pilates can help tone and refresh the body. It also gives the body the energy it requires to burn off fat cells. And the more fat cells that are burned off the faster the Cellulite goes away. 

Eat Well

You are what you eat so eat well. The body needs a lot of nutrients to perform its daily duties. This means giving it plenty of fiber, protein, and other nutrients such as Vitamin C, D, and E. Eating a well-balanced meal means a person is going to have the energy he or she requires to get through their day without becoming irritable or upset. This keeps the momentum up so they can do other things such as work out. 

A Little Caffeine

When applied topically caffeine can be a major fat cell inhibitor. It blocks the formation of new fat cells and slows down the production of those already in existence.  A coffee wrap can be made at home with just saran wrap and a few used coffee grounds that have been reheated (Note: not reheated to a burnable level, just a warm level). By doing this women and men can say, ‘no more cellulite’ with a smile on their faces. 

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Feel Good About Your Body

Self-confidence is important. People who are confident tend to put themselves out there and open their future to more possibilities. Cellulite often gets in the way of that. Women with lots of cellulite don’t want to wear bathing suits or shorts and can become rather self-conscious. And it’s not a small problem. 90% of all women suffer from cellulite. Cellulite is fat beneath the skin that takes on a bumpy appearance, usually concentrated around the buttocks and upper thighs. While weight loss may reduce cellulite, there are no guarantees because other factors may be in play. Even so, there are steps that can be taken.

Can Cellulite Be Stopped?

The battle against cellulite can, at times, begin to feel futile. But, combining the right methods can make a difference. First, the best weapon against cellulite is a healthy lifestyle. Eating and exercising properly goes a long way. A proper diet to fight cellulite is one filled with fruits, vegetables, and fiber. Combine this with an exercise routine that mixes aerobics with strength training. In addition to this healthy lifestyle, other Cellulite Treatments can help to keep the cellulite at bay. Creams containing caffeine are especially effective. Caffeine constricts your skin and reduces the fat cells, which leaves it smoother than before.

Easy Solutions

Other solutions can be more enjoyable, though they are also more temporary. Massages are a good example of this. Massages help remove excess oils and fluid build-up from your skin, which in turn leaves the skin smoother for a time. And who doesn’t want an excuse for a day at the spa? Tanning is another fun way to fight cellulite. Though tanning does not actually reduce cellulite, it does mask it and make it less obvious. Either soak in some rays or use a temporary tanning lotion for best results.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

A Coffee Wrap for Cellulite

Cellulite is a tricky problem. People can work out and eat a healthy diet and still have pockets of trapped fat cells underneath their skin. This can cause an unsightly appearance of almost orange peel type skin. Maybe this is alright during winter when people do not show a lot of skin, but for the rest of the year it can cause a serious self-esteem issue, especially in the summer when it is time to get to the beach.

How to Get Rid of Cellulite

Cellulite is a tricky monster that requires different approaches to get rid of. Diet and exercise are of course the big two, but people also rely on an anti cellulite cream to help their body be ready to show off a little skin. A cellulite cream can be hard to find even though there are so many on the market. When comparing and contrasting creams just look for which one has the most caffeine.

When applied topically caffeine breaks up the growth of fat cells. By rubbing the cream onto the troubled area, be it the thighs, stomach, or buttocks, it also improves circulation. Providing more circulation to the area of concern helps increase the likelihood that the fat cells will be busted up. 

Coffee Wrap
People who are looking to increase their caffeine power may want to try a coffee wrap. Using warmed up Coffee Grounds (not too hot though because burning the skin is not ideal) rub a thin layer of grounds on the troubled area. Then wrap it with saran and leave it for a few minutes. This helps diminish the appearance of Cellulite.

The bottom line is that no one has to live with cellulite anymore. All it takes is a little bit of hard work and the right anti cellulite cream to get everything ready for the beach this year.