
Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Feel Good About Your Body

Self-confidence is important. People who are confident tend to put themselves out there and open their future to more possibilities. Cellulite often gets in the way of that. Women with lots of cellulite don’t want to wear bathing suits or shorts and can become rather self-conscious. And it’s not a small problem. 90% of all women suffer from cellulite. Cellulite is fat beneath the skin that takes on a bumpy appearance, usually concentrated around the buttocks and upper thighs. While weight loss may reduce cellulite, there are no guarantees because other factors may be in play. Even so, there are steps that can be taken.

Can Cellulite Be Stopped?

The battle against cellulite can, at times, begin to feel futile. But, combining the right methods can make a difference. First, the best weapon against cellulite is a healthy lifestyle. Eating and exercising properly goes a long way. A proper diet to fight cellulite is one filled with fruits, vegetables, and fiber. Combine this with an exercise routine that mixes aerobics with strength training. In addition to this healthy lifestyle, other Cellulite Treatments can help to keep the cellulite at bay. Creams containing caffeine are especially effective. Caffeine constricts your skin and reduces the fat cells, which leaves it smoother than before.

Easy Solutions

Other solutions can be more enjoyable, though they are also more temporary. Massages are a good example of this. Massages help remove excess oils and fluid build-up from your skin, which in turn leaves the skin smoother for a time. And who doesn’t want an excuse for a day at the spa? Tanning is another fun way to fight cellulite. Though tanning does not actually reduce cellulite, it does mask it and make it less obvious. Either soak in some rays or use a temporary tanning lotion for best results.

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